Project Timeline

Team Creation

The recommanded way to complete this project is to find 2-3 friends, from whom each one will be in charge of a separare field of engineering. This will serve in many ways:

  1. Splits up the amount of work

  2. Imposes the need for clear interfaces

  3. Teaches teamwork and cooperation

  4. Builds up a team spirit that will keep you going in tough times

Time Investment

The average time comittement for a team of 4 students, with absolutely no prior experience and each dedicated to one field of engineering is between 4-6 hours a week for two class semesters (14 weeks each). So an average of 5h per week during 30 weeks netting around 150h of work.

A skilled engineer speed-running a bare-bones rover which no extra attachements should be able to complete each field of engineering in about half of that time.

A passionnate person who wants to dig deep in one or many aspects of the project can easily spend multiple hundredth of hours iterating and improving their rover and while doing so, get very competent in the field at hand.

Financial Cost

Successful Projects

Here are all previously completed rovers and their teams: